Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thing Two: What & Why

I visited the blogs and articles we were sent to. The Stephen Abram video did not play very well for me, but I think I heard the message.
As people in the media profession, we need to know about these technology tools and as we learn about them, we will hopefully use them to better serve our patrons. This is why I'm participating in "23 Things on a Stick". At this time, I have to admit that I don't enjoy this method of communicating. I am at the point of trying to update my webpage for the school website and find that time consuming and challenging. I hope that as I force myself to spend more time at this, I will learn it better, be more comfortable with it and finally enjoy it as some of you obviously do.

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Thing 18 from Teachertube

Rhubarb Bird Baths at CC


Gifhorn, Germany

Gifhorn, Germany
I'm here-the white speck on the bridge. This is one of the beautiful places I visited last summer.